Covid-19 Update: Our entire team is working remotely. We expect no disruptions in our services. Stay safe!

Platform for intelligent
IoT services

Here we are presenting the most reliable and low cost IoT products with the smart App interaction. Barquecon’s Internet of Things (IoT) solutions address connectivity of ‘legacy’ and ‘new’ things. Our Multi-Protocol IoT Gateway Framework amalgamates heterogeneous protocols that complement IoT at the edge, allowing select data to be transmitted to backend systems. We provide the products which has network facility like WiFi portable and mobility.Our team find out the problem, key issue and provide actual helpful in following sectors by various brainstorming process.

Platform for intelligent IoT services

Smart Food Carrier:
What it is ?

  • Track Quantity.
  • Check the Quality of Food.
  • Verify Safety Environment for Food.
  • Reorder level trigger notification on App.
  • Smart app interaction services on app.

GPS Tracker

Geo fencing and map tracking is helpful for many areas in terms of better conveyance, monitoring and safety and by focusing on this aspect, our GPS Tracker Tracker device and App is designed with low cost and long duration power backup to meet better potability.

Chest Exercises

The chest exerciser is a device which helps normal people or patient to improve the chest breathing and functional strength. It helps to track the breathing strength and helps for improvement of breathing. This device can be use in hospital and also in home care nursing and self.

It is very flexible and reliable design of hardware and cloud services

  • Fleet & Asset Management for real-time tracking of assets by vehicle UART and sensor interfaces
  • Integration with cloud-based data storage and analytics
  • A smart user custom switching
  • Healthcare solutions


  1. Home: Appliances: Switching and remote control with smarter solution, power saving and safety
  2. Agriculture and Industrial: Monitoring systems, control and safety is key factor solution
  3. Health care : Environmental monitoring and safety alert are focus area and health improvements smart device.
  4. CLogistic and Transformation : we provide solutions for it like Tracking and environment based factors monitoring and safety

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